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Educate Children In Rural Areas Our Priority
Education was always the prime concern of Divya Kashi Foundation. In order to achieve this dream it was decided to start with a Balmandir in a remote village.
Balmandir is the foundation for the kids. We at Divya Kashi Foundation understand the importance and hence have proper trained and dedicated teachers who take care of the educating the kids.
The aim of having a Balmandir at a remote village is to provide quality education for the kids; which would help them in their future endeavour. We have more than 80 kids who are studying at the Balmandir.
Learn With Fun
Balmandir Activities
We believe that the kids should be provided varied types of knowledge in all fields; along with knowledge nutritious food is equally important. We provide freshly cooked food also to the kids at Balmandir.
Celebrating Independence Day
Celebrating Navratri
Providing nutritious meals to the kids
Kids Play Area